Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Whaaaats Up.
I think I need to explain a little of what is on this blog. See I really do not know much about Blogs, and when I was putting this site together with Deb she said you really should put one on the site. So of course I gave in as you see. All that you see below on the blog is me talking to myself, execpt for Deb saying hang in there. I would try different things like puting in a hyper link, or learning how to put on a pic and being able to click on it to bring you to another page. I did use real info, like the glasses I wear for the show or the question of the month. So please hang in there with me I'm sure this learning curve has just begun.


sharon1248 said...

I love the site already, you did good. Please blog, listen to the nice lady, she's right! The fans will love it, wait and see.

brooklynngrl said...

John - what a great website - so much fun!!! I've always wanted to play drums, and now I AM! I almost fell off my chair when I rolled over the throne. Verry funny!
You may have been talking to yourself a couple of days ago, but not for long!
Great place, thanks for doing this!
Keep blogging!
Ok back to my drum lessons now!

ataylor said...

Cool website love the pictures. Keep Blogging I love reading them!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you've got a really great homepage; when I compare it with mine it's embarrassing for me :)